This Moday, December 24th, the Chairman and African Representative
of AJAP has issued an national representation act.
He appointed Mr. HAKIZIMANA Sébastien to represent AJAP Bujumbura clik her for ACT DE NOMINATION DU REPRESENTANT DE L’AJAP BUJUMBURA
Congratulations to the new appointed one.
Issued at Bujumbura, december 24th, 2018
Department in charge of Communication to the Headquarter.
of AJAP has issued an national representation act.
He appointed Mr. HAKIZIMANA Sébastien to represent AJAP Bujumbura clik her for ACT DE NOMINATION DU REPRESENTANT DE L’AJAP BUJUMBURA
Congratulations to the new appointed one.
Issued at Bujumbura, december 24th, 2018
Department in charge of Communication to the Headquarter.
Félicitations au nouveau nommé dans les fonctions. Qu’il ailles de l’avant pour le bon bon fonctionnement de l’AJAP et aux membres de ladite association
Toutes mes felicitation à Mr. Hakizimana Sebastien.